Our members are independent organisations working in their own communities rather than branches of organisations based in other countries. Many have been established by people who are themselves experiencing hardship.
Within their own communities, our network of organisations provides help for a wide range of people who are poor, ill, disabled, unemployed, frail or oppressed. They help young people, older people, families, indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and others who are experiencing special hardship or vulnerability.
ICSW members include a wide range of national non-governmental organisations. The members come from more than 70 countries.
Why Join ICSW Membership?

Membership of the International Council on Social Welfare enables organisations to:
- Participate in a global network of organisations that has been a leader in social welfare, social policy and social development for nearly 80 years.
- Contribute to the formulation and implementation of the ICSW Global Programme.
- Contribute to the advocacy work of ICSW at the United Nations. Members receive credit from their own governments for the high quality of ICSW contribution to UN debates.
- Every two years at the ICSW Global Conferences join with other members to explore and analyse progress in social development and social welfare.
- Contribute to and participate in Regional Programmes and Conferences.

Membership Benefits
Participate in sessions at the Global Conference held exclusively for ICSW members.
Benefit from reduced registration fees for ICSW conferences.
Receive each four months free of charge the prestigious international journal Global Social Policy.
Receive the ICSW electronic newsletter, Global Cooperation every month.
Membership Options
Organisations may apply for admission to one of the four categories of membership. The eligibility criteria and rights of each category are described below.
- Represents a wide range of non-governmental organisations within their own country.
- Seeks to enhance social welfare and social development.
- Only one National Member Organisation in each country.
Annual Fee:
From USD$100 and increases for developed countries.
Each National Member Organisation is entitled to appoint two representatives to ICSW’s Committee of Representatives
* National Membership may be available to a pre-existing organisation or established especially for the purpose of ICSW membership.
- Non-governmental global and regional organisations
- Seek to enhance social welfare and social development.
Annual Fee:
From less than USD$1,000 to USD$2,500.
Each International Member Organisation is entitled to appoint one representative to ICSW’s Committee of Representatives.
- Organisations seeking to enhance social welfare and social development
- Not eligible for National Member Organisation or a International Member Organisation.
Annual Fee:
From USD$100 and increases for developed countries.
- Includes government ministries or departments, and regional non-governmental organisations
- Members in this category do not have voting rights.
Annual Fee:
To be decided on application.
In recognition of indivudual excellence in social welfare or social development, ICSW has created a new individual membership - Distinguished Fellows.
Eminent experts in social welfare or social development who have made internationally or regionally outstanding and widely recognized contributions to social welfare and social development shall be eligible for individual membership
Distinguished Fellows of the International Council on Social Welfare shall be admitted by decision of the Management Committee. They shall be nominated by a Regional President and a member of the Management Committee. The President of ICSW , the Vice-President and the Executive Director may also nominate candidates on a par with Regional Presidents.
Former ICSW officers shall be appointed Distinguished Fellows automatically upon application.
All candidates shall submit their CVs for consideration by the Management Committee.