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Supporting Social Development Nationally & Internationally

The International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW) is a non-governmental organization focused on advocacy, knowledge-building and technical assistance projects.

Created in 1928 in Paris to address complexities and challenges of social work, the ICSW has evolved through the years to embrace the major issues of social development

Establishing common ground on issues of international significance, and acting with partners ICSW represents national and local organizations in more than 70 countries throughout the world working through its nine regional networks.

Our Vision

Reduce hardship and vulnerability amongst disadvantaged populations, committing to improve human well being.

Upholding Dignity of All

Young and old, those with disabilities, migrants and refugees, and indigenous people

Supporting Human Rights

Recognition and realization of fundamental rights to employment, income, food, shelter, education, health care and security.

A Contemporary Umbrella Organization

ICSW works with other civil society organizations, government structures, the academic community and international organizations

How We Work

ICSW’s strives to act as a connector, convener and knowledge broker, binding together issues and regions, and mobilizing partners along shared priorities that will shape progressive social and economic policies across the global village.

Key activities include gathering and disseminating information, undertaking research and analysis, convening seminars and conferences, drawing on grass-roots experiences, strengthening organizations of the civil society, developing policy proposals, engaging in public advocacy and working with policy-makers and administrators in government and elsewhere.

Having the highest level of consultative status with the United Nations in relation to the work of the Economic and Social Council, the ICSW uses existing opportunities to leverage the voices of our members into different platforms of international stakeholders.

We actively participate in the work of the Commission for Social Development, the Commission on the Status of Women, and other intergovernmental bodies making policy statements and putting forward constructive suggestions representing our partners.

ICSW and our members are active in a wide range of fields within the general areas of social development, social welfare and social justice.

ICSW’s monthly publication called Global Cooperation Newsletter published in English, French and Spanish informs our members and the readership at large about important developments in the socio-economic field, as well as most interesting activities taking place within organization and beyond. It presents the views of prominent scholars and practitioners.

Regional committees bring out Regional Cooperation Newsletters highlighting on the above areas specific to the region.

What We Do

Focused on advocacy, knowledge-building and technical assistance projects in various areas of social development carried out at the country level and internationally, ICSW and our members are active in a wide range of fields within the general areas of social welfare.
Fighting poverty, inequality and marginalization and building the resilience of the vulnerable groups to economic, social and environmental shocks is one of the key objectives of the organization.

Social Protection

ICSW has a particular focus on promoting social protection, seeing it as a human right and an investment in people. The ICSW continues to support the development and implementation of the Social Protection Floor Initiative, emphasizing the importance of a universal approach to social protection covering all social groups across the life cycle. We are the founding members of the Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors and actively participate in major international cooperation meetings to promote social protection initiatives and most effective schemes across the globe.

Information and Communications

ICSW gathers and distributes information to civil society organisations, governments and intergovernmental organisations. We deliver information through journals, reports, electronic newsletters and our website.

Policy Development and Advocacy

ICSW undertakes research and organises consultations to help analyse problems and develop policies. Each of our global biennial conferences covers a very wide range of issues. Other forums, seminars and workshops are convened on specific topics.

We prepare written policy submissions, lobby governments and organise delegations to attend key international meetings. We also work with other international organisations, especially by convening joint meetings and developing consistent policies.

How Do We Relate to the United Nations?

ICSW has the highest level of consultative status with the United Nations in relation to the work of the Economic and Social Council.

ICSW is also accredited to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and to regional intergovernmental organisations.

ICSW's high level of consultative status within the United Nations has also ensured that the organisation is consulted and involved in important social development issues being discussed by the United Nations.

What does ICSW do at the UN?