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Frequently Asked Questions
What does "ICSW" stand for?
ICSW stands for International Council on Social Welfare.

When was ICSW founded?
The International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW) was founded in Paris in 1928 under the original name of International Conference of Social Work. It became the International Council on Social Welfare on the 1st of January 1967.

What are the aims of ICSW?
The International Council on Social welfare seeks to advance social welfare, social justice and social development.

What work does ICSW undertake?
The International Council on Social Welfare gathers and disseminates information, undertakes research and analysis, convenes seminars and conferences, draws on grass-roots experiences, strengthens non-governmental organisations, develops policy proposals, engages in public advocacy and works with policy-makers and administrators in government and elsewhere.

How is ICSW funded?
The activities of the International Council on Social Welfare are funded by membership fees, governmental and intergovernmental sources.

How many countries does ICSW cover?
At the moment, the International Council on Social Welfare represents national and local organisations in more than 70 countries throughout the world. Visit our members page to find out more about membership.

How does ICSW relate to the United Nations?
The International Council on Social Welfare has the highest level of consultative status with the United Nations in relation to the work of the Economic and Social Council. It is also accredited to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and to regional intergovernmental organisations. ICSW requested temporary suspension from accreditation with World Health Organisation (WHO). Visit our ICSW and the United Nations page for more details.

Where are the ICSW Global Offices located?
ICSW’s global office is located in New York, USA.

I wish to make a donation to ICSW.

The International Council on Social Welfare accepts voluntary financial contributions provided that the purpose for which the contributions are made is consistent with the aims and activities of the Organisation. Cheques or money orders made payable to ICSW may be sent to the Global Office in The Netherlands.

Does ICSW offer financial assistance?

The International Council on Social Welfare is not a funding organisation. Its funds are allocated only to programmes which have been officially approved by the Council and our donors.

Do you have a listing of job openings/volunteer positions/internships available?

We do not have a listing of employment opportunities because the Global Office in the US is a small office employing very few people. As for jobs outside the Global Office, we do not take responsibility for hiring people. ICSW regions may employ staff from time to time.

How can I become a member of ICSW?

To find all the information you need to know about becoming a member of ICSW visit our members page.

How can I receive regular information about ICSW activities?

You can subscribe to our free monthly ICSW newsletter "Global Cooperation": If you register to receive the ICSW newsletter, you will be informed about the latest activities of ICSW. Please note that if you do not wish to continue to receive ICSW newsletter you can cancel your subscription.

I am a student and I have to write on .. can you tell me where I can find information about this subject?

To find information about a specific subject on our website we advise you to use the search or index function. These tools will lead you to the documents related to your subject.

If you cannot find the information you need on our website, we suggest that you make a search in Google or other search engine.