Scientific Seminar “Poverty of Children and Families“

Scientific Seminar "Poverty of Children and Families“ took place on 30 November – 1 December 2023 in Vilnius, Lithuania, in Mykolas Romeris University.
This year's theme of the seminar focused on the poverty of children and the poverty of families which is an increasing problem in Europe.
Around fifty participants took part in the hybrid event (face to face and online form) that lasted one whole day (a half day on 30 November and a half day of 1 December 2023). The Seminar officially opened Martynas Šiurkus (Vice-Minister of Lithuanian Ministry of Social Security and Labour). His opening words were followed by Jolanta Pivoriené (Vice-Dean for International Relations and Projects of the Faculty of Human and Social Studies at Mykolas Romeris University) and Max Rubisch (ICSW Europe President).
The speakers in the first day of Seminar were: Jekaterina Navicke (Associate Professor at Social Policy Department, Vilnius University); Sheila Gois Habib (Policy and Advocacy Officer, European Anti-Poverty Network, Brussels); Judith Ranftler (Head of Department, Volkshilfe Austria, Vienna); Kathleen Wabrowetz (Head of international Department, German Association for Public and Private Welfare, Berlin); Anna Maria Isola (Researcher, Turku University and Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare).
The second day of the Seminar belonged to the speakers: Vida Česnuitytė (Associate Professor at the Faculty of Human and Society Studies, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius); Eva Holmberg-Herrström (ICSW Sweden, Former President of ICSW Global); Alejandro Sanz Angulo (Social Researcher, European Anti-Poverty Network, Spain); Dr. Ally Dunhill (Director of Policy, Advocacy and communications, Eurochild, Brussels).
For the whole programme of the Seminar, read here.
Abstracts of the presentations will be available in 4/2023 ICSW Europe Newsletter.
Annual ICSW Europe General Assembly took part at Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania on 1 December 2023 (face to face and online combination).
Program of the GA:
- Opening the GA, Approval of the Agenda, Checking of Voting Rights (paid-up members)
- Approval of ICSW Europe GA Minutes held on 2 December 2022
- Presentation of ICSW Europe Annual Activity Report 2023 (for approval)
- Report 2022 from the Treasurer (for adoption and discharging of responsibility, after the auditors have made their comments)
- Statement by the Auditors for 2022 accounts (for approval and decision)
- Updating of the Budget for 2023 and Approval of the Budget for 2024
- Any Other Matters Arising
- Closing the General Assembly